Contact Us

Please find a list below of useful email addresses to contact the most relevant member of the rounders committee. These mailboxes are monitored and we will endeavour to respond as swiftly as possible, if your enquiry is not picked up for any reason please resend your message to the League Secretary address below.
Debbie Hargreaves-Stead
Please use this email address to reach the committee secretary directly, and your enquiry will be reviewed as soon as possible.
Please also direct all registrations for the current season to this address.
This address will be used to submit all completed match scores.
Please use this address to submit updates, enquiries or questions relating to the current season fixtures.
Please use this address to register new referees or to raise any questions with the committee regarding current referees.
Please use this address to report any concerns or issues experienced within the league, we are happy to offer an advice or information not reflected within our safeguarding documentation.

If for any reason it is unclear which of the addresses should be used in relation to your enquiry, please contact the committee secretary on the above address, or alternatively use the contact form below.